Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 17th World Congress on Obesity & Nutrition Osaka, Japan.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

F Buck Willis

Dynasplint System Inc., USA

Keynote: Culmination of Interdisciplinary Protocols for Obesity Reduction

Time : 09:30-10:15

Conference Series World Obesity 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker F Buck Willis photo

F Buck Willis has earned his Medical degree in the British Commonwealth (MBBS) and PhD in Kinesiology. He then directed and completed 12 studies over eight years which led to 20 publications and being chosen as a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. He has over 50 publications (including four books).



Successful obesity reduction must start with identifying and eliminating the causes of this disease. The most common causes which affect an estimated 75% of the US population are hidden food allergies. While these sub-acute allergens do not cause itching, hives, or angioedema, they do cause inflammatory reactions which yield metabolic depression. Other causes include high fructose corn syrup and preservatives like TBHQ (Tertiary Butyl Hydroquinone) which require days to detoxify the volatile, phenol compound. Food allergen elimination itself with ALCAT testing showed significant changes in weight, body fat percentage reduction and BMI reduction (p<0.0001). In that comparison study the second category subjects combined treatment of food allergen elimination with PAN-5 protocols. The combined treatment showed a significantly difference (p<0.0001) with 75% greater weight loss (-12.4 Kg), 80% greater fat percentage reduction (-5.4%) and 70% greater BMI reduction (3.6). The PAN-5 acronym is from the combination of these protocols: Portion-size meal control (consuming <2 cups), five times per day; Aerobic-surge exercise (HR elevated ≥75% max for 2 minutes), performed 5/day; and Natural foods eaten five times per day (within the <2 cup portion size). There is significant evidence that hidden food allergies may be one meaningful cause of the growing obesity epidemic and eliminating food allergens will reduce daily weight gains and empower continual weight loss. The combination of the evidence-based protocols in PAN-5 have shown even greater changes (improvement) by eating smaller portion sizes more frequently, participating in a brief, high intensity aerobic-surge exercise for two minutes (5 days) and eating natural foods five times a day (within the portion size).


Keynote Forum

Hani Oweira

Hirslanden Clinics, Zurich

Keynote: Surgery of the Liver and Intra-operative Interventions. What is possible Today

Time : 10:15- 11:00

Conference Series World Obesity 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Hani Oweira photo

Hani Oweira is a Surgeon in the Hirslanden Clinics in Zurich and Cham and partner of the Surgical Center of Hirslanden Kliniken Zürich.




Liver resections are performed to manage benign and malignant focal lesions in the liver and the post-operative outcome was improved over time due to improvement of surgical techniques which get benefit from understanding the liver anatomy and segmentation with improvement of hemostasis techniques. Anatomy wise liver is divided to 2 lobes (right and left) ant into 8 segments classified by Couinaud based on vascular inflow and outflow. There are many techniques for liver parenchymal transection started with clamp-crush technique and developed to ultrasonic vibration (harmonic shear), Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA), hydrojet, radiofrequency dissector and recently staplers. There are numerous types of resection could be divided to major (>2 segments) and minor (<2 segments) and could be divided into anatomical (right and left hepatectomy, right anterior and posterior sectionectomy and left lateral sectionectomy), non-anatomical resection and individual segmentectomy. There are many other interventional procedures can be done during surgery for hepatic focal lesions rather than surgery as Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA), cryoablation or Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) which usually kept as combined intervention with surgery in deep parenchymal lesions which is difficult to be removed without injuring or scarifying a major hepatic structure. Also one of the elegant techniques in management of hepatic focal lesions especially malignant one is adjuvant or pre-operative angio-embolization or chemo/radio embolization which deprives the lesion from its blood supply and supplying it with chemo or radiotherapy which may decrease the size of lesion and make it easier and accessible to be removed. In addition to that, systemic chemotherapy could have benefit in malignant lesions as it may decrease the size of the lesions and minimize the liver parenchyma needed to be resected to remove the whole lesion and sometimes it changes non-resectable liver lesions to resectable one.



Keynote Forum

Richard Visser

Vera Health Group, Aruba

Keynote: The Aruba Project, a road map for population approach to combating obesity

Time : 11:15-12:00

Conference Series World Obesity 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Richard Visser photo

Richard Visser has studied the problem and implemented solutions from many perspectives as a Clinical Researcher, Academic, Educator, Activist, Politician, Entrepreneur, concerned citizen and parent. His work has made vital contributions to a great understanding of the biological, sociological and psychological factors surrounding childhood obesity. He has presented papers in Geneva at the congress hosted by the International Association of the Study of Obesity and he is currently collaborating with the Department of Public and Occupational Health in the Netherlands on a proposal for combating the disease throughout the Caribbean. Early in 2008, he was appointed by the Government of Aruba to Head the Obesity Task Force and a year later, he began his four year term as Aruba’s Minister of Health and Sport.



Obesity as a disease has reached historical, maximal peak values, with nearly one-third of the world’s population suffering from obesity and obesity-related conditions. We are now witnessing the impact of this epidemic upon the global health status, with non-communicable diseases on the rise. We have also witnessed the shortcomings and failures of past actions taken when obesity is already present. In Aruba, a prevalence of 36% of childhood obesity was found in 2005, with a tendency to increase as compared to the data prior to 2000. Actions to improve healthy eating habits, reduce sedentary lifestyle and enable a social environment to prevent obesity were carried out in a systematic plan in the period from 2009-2013 and a positive change was observed in the incidence of obesity compatible with complete deceleration of the epidemic and improvement in health indicators. Through the lessons learned from the project as executed in Aruba, we demonstrated how a specific road map can be developed, implemented and highly successful in addressing the obesity epidemic. The roadmap includes steps such as population AL baseline study, an awareness campaign, an approved action plan by the stakeholders and Government, changes in infrastructure, the creation of an institute to promote a healthy lifestyle, an introduction to the exercise is medicine initiative and a study of progress with ongoing monitoring.